posted by Tania Teetz
05-06/04/2018 HR Open Standards Consortium Annual Meeting Toronto, Canada
Practical: Leveraging Microservice Architecture and HR Open Standards in Enterprise HR
Finally, a reason to fly to Canada! And Toronto too… Ingolf and Andrew give a “Practical” on Microservice Architecture in Enterprise HR. Data standardisation for smooth exchange is becoming more and more important; IT systems are becoming more powerful, but also more challenging. It’s a good time to be part of the initiative.
Join us in Toronto to discover HR technology trends in 2018 and how HR technology standards provide your organization the best competitive advantage in an ever-evolving market. Sessions include trending keynotes, real-world implementation case studies, hands-on development workgroups, and more.
The HR Open annual conference brings together technology providers, HR professionals, and global standards advocates to promote awareness and adoption of the consortium’s HR data exchange standards.
Andrew Cunsolo, VP of Product Development, Talemetry
Ingolf Teetz, CEO, milch & zucker
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posted by : Tania Teetz