BeeSite TRM, Talent Community

You have competed for your talents for a long time. You can’t hold on to them with birthday wishes.

But by exchanging knowledge.

Building and maintaining talent pools makes sense. Using BeeSite Talent Relationship Management measures to effectively look after talents in the long-term makes even more sense.

You can start small and then expand more and more. Or strategically build a close relationship involving your departments. Choose from two different TRM solutions:Managing talent pools: Maintaining and building talent pools with extensive filter and matching options. Develop customised dialogue measures from your talent pools, including invitation management for applicant days, job fairs and many more.Build a talent community: A closed, interactive platform for exchanging information and knowledge with global and private pin boards, news, events, profiles for community members and individual mail.
  • Talent pooling, maintaining contact to guide talents and connect them to the company.
  • Build a continuous talent pipeline: If suitable talents are available in the pool, external advertising can be foregone. Slimming your recruiting process down and saving your budget
  • Onboarding tool for internal target audiences: The community can be used to reduce the no-show rate after contract signings
  • Strengthening your employer brand with the direct exchange of authentic information and relevant knowledge by way of your community

Features of our TRM solutions

Managing talent pools

Opt-in and self services

  • Limitless talent pools with candidate self service for the maintenance of talent profiles
  • Location-spanning usability
  • Automated request for acceptance (via an opt-in method) and notices on whether the candidate would like to remain in the pool
  • Full-text search of profiles and attachments
  • E-mail communication with sample letters and text building blocks
  • Data and fields of the profiles can be chosen freely – from core data to education, studies and professional career up to skills and salary expectations
  • Automatic PDF creation from entire profiles
  • Importing candidate data from an applicant management system or talent management system already in use
  • Exporting suitable candidates from the BeeSite into the respective applicant management system
  • History of all processing steps
  • Standard analyses and reports

Building a Talent Community

Information and know-how

  • Closed community with news and photo stream (“pinboard”) for company news, job offers, announcements of events and much more.
  • Networking and exchange options for community members amongst each other
  • Discussion forums with threads, comments etc.
  • Automatic notification of candidates per e-mail in case of new messages on the forum
  • Customisable starting page
  • Specific job suggestions by the recruiter, also via e-mail
  • Providing files, flyers, employee newspapers etc.
  • Candidate profile per member, including attachments and profile updating via candidate self service
  • Possible inclusion of all departments by way of mentor concept



We complete an annual certification process in accordance with DIN EN ISO 27001:2015, scope of application: Programming, implementation, customizing, operation and support for standard software used for eRecruiting and talent management, and developing employer positioning as well as personnel marketing strategies and measures to recruit and retain suitable employees. Encryption on the website and access concepts in the back office protect sensitive candidate data. Development and hosting are handled in Germany, and the computing center is a Tier-3 level.

Certified standard


All XML interfaces are HR-XML certified, they comply fully with the standards of the international HR Open Standards Consortium for the Exchange of HR-relevant Data. The HR Open Standards Consortium is a non-profit association that aims to standardise global data exchange in human resource management.



We are here for you! During the implementation phase, an experienced project team will guide you, training included. During operation, you can reach our German and English customer service via phone or e-mail. If you so desire, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

BeeSite TRM, Talent Community in pictures

More modules and services for you

  • Comprehensive appointment planning module for information at job fairs, assessment centres etc. including candidate self service to register for these events
  • Complete integration of TRM modules into BeeSite Recruiting Edition
  • Conception of the procedural and technological integration into your staffing process
  • Conception and implementation of communication and dialogue marketing measures, as well as events
  • Editorial supervision

In use by (among others)

How can we help you?

Securing talent with milch & zucker

Whether alumni, interns, students or applicants. They have all been in contact with your company. Do not just build a talent pool from that, but instead connect interesting candidates to your company to build a continuous talent pipeline (Talent Relationship Management). Our software-as-a-service technology is the basis for building your candidate community. We will support you in building and operating your community. From the build-up phase, beginning with developing a strategy and integrating it into your talent management, to designing your community and editorial supervision. Data sheet TRM & Talent Community (669 KB)

Your contact

Jens Dreyer; Senior Tender Manager

Award-winning - who distinguishes us

BeeSite applicant management system - made & hosted in Germany. Certified according to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.
Applicant management “made & hosted in Germany“
Certified according to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001
milch & zucker is Innovator of the Year 2020 by Capital & Statista
Capital & Statista
Innovator of the year 2020
milch & zucker is Innovator of the Year 2016 - 2019 by brand eins & Statista
brand eins Wissen & Statista
Innovator of the years 2016 – 2019
ICR - BeeSite is Best Applicant Management System 2022 for the 7th time.
Institute for Competitive Recruiting
2016 – 2022
HR-Tech Outlook sees BeeSite applicant management among the top 10 in Europe
HR-Tech Outlook
Top 10 in Europe 2019
milch & zucker wins the HR Excellence Award with customer projects in 2015 and 2017
2015 and 2017