Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the 15 leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Independent. Family-run. Doing research and manufacturing. With more than 45,000 employees globally. However, there is no uniform employer appearance.Task:
Developing a globally uniform EVP and transforming it into a holistic HR campaign.Solution:
Everything grows from the guiding principle that the founding family – their way of thinking and acting – formed the roots for all subsequent generations. A trunk has formed from it. A trunk of employees, with more than 47,000 colleagues worldwide that follow one vision: To create values through innovation. That is why Boehringer Ingelheim is a tree of innovations.
Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the 15 leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Independent. Family-run. Doing research and manufacturing. With more than 45,000 employees globally. However, there is no uniform employer appearance.Task:
Developing a globally uniform EVP and transforming it into a holistic HR campaign.Solution:
Everything grows from the guiding principle that the founding family – their way of thinking and acting – formed the roots for all subsequent generations. A trunk has formed from it. A trunk of employees, with more than 47,000 colleagues worldwide that follow one vision: To create values through innovation. That is why Boehringer Ingelheim is a tree of innovations.