Fusion Days 2015 – Signs of digitalisation and automation.Can IT and Marketing fuse into extra value for HR?For tech company milch & zucker from Bad Nauheim, the answer is yes. At milch & zucker, fusion happens everyday. As the name [...]
We are part of the Talent Management eBook, from the Competence Book series, as authors of a specialist article. Ingolf Teetz writes about the opportunities of TRM and talent communities. Finding talents and retaining them at you company – could [...]
We have brought the award to Hesse! Together with PwC, we have won the HR Excellence Award in the category “Corporation Job Ads”. As part of the “Job ads re-design” project, layout and structure were designed anew with a responsive [...]
The survey for the “Recruiting strategies 2016” study will be available until Christmas! This year, we are participating as partners. Prof. Jäger from the RheinMain University and the Personalwirtschaft are jointly responsible for the study. We would like to use [...]
The presentations from Fusion Days 2015 are now mostly available for download on the event page. Additionally, you can also find links to our Flickr account there, where you will find pictures from both days. Fusion Days is an industry [...]
We are not quite there yet, but we have been shortlisted for the HR Excellence Award 2015. Together with out customer PwC, we are nominated in the category “Corporation Job Ads”. The awards ceremony will be held on December 2nd. [...]
As part of the Zukunft Personal 2015, the E-Recruiting round table, organised by the Personalwirtschaft, took place. Part of it: our CEO, Ingolf Teetz. His core message: “Recruiting does not just start with selecting the right job market, and not [...]
In two weeks, Fusion Days 2015 will begin. We would love to welcome you to our event on the 2nd & 3rd of November at the Hotel Dolce in Bad Nauheim. Alongside interesting presentations on current developments in the labour [...]
The new Vetter career website is live. Fresher. More modern. All the best from here to Ravensburg. An enjoyable project, which equally gave us many pleasant and somewhat strenuous hours. The schedule was tight. From analysing the old careers website, [...]
Ingolf Teetz, as a member of the Board of Directors, will be there at Nieuwegein on 1st October 2015. And you? The goal of the HR Open Standards Community Meeting is to show how HR open standards can make the [...]