Posts on September 2018


Students do things: Eighth grade from Ricarda Huch School gets exciting insights into our work world

Today, at 9:30am, it was time: Eighth graders from Ricarda Huch School in Gießen had the opportunity to come and see us. It was a get-acquainted get-together of a slightly different kind, initiated by teacher Mrs. Lusaper Witteck and by [...]
Matching Technology

Recruiting Glossary – Matching

Matching in recruiting means matching the requirements of a job with the qualifications of an applicant according to specified criteria. The simplest form of matching means checking whether the criteria are being met or not. For example, “Has completed their [...]

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more present in the World of Work 4.0. Therefore, it is time to deal critically with AI in recruitment and to collect information on what the disadvantages of artificial intelligence in recruitment could be. [...]