Getting a letter from brand eins and Statista during the first quarter has become something of a tradition. Curious, we tear open the envelope and – drum roll – we did it again! milch & zucker is one of Germany’s [...]
Making the same list as Google, Rocket Internet and Tesla – that’s really something.It’s not fake news, and it’s not an early April Fool’s joke, but rather the result of current innovation rankings from brand eins. milch & zucker was [...]
milch & zucker distinguished as Innovator of the Year – for the second time in a row!Naturally, this is something we never tire of hearing: brand eins Wissen and Statista classify us among the most innovative companies in Germany in [...]
Innovator of the Year 2016 in the category Professional Services & Outsourcing.statista and brand eins Wissen have honoured us as “Innovator of the Year 2016”. Thank you very much! The questions asked of entrepreneurs and management personnel intended to determine [...]