We take great pleasure in Aldi Süd, Bechtle, Commerzbank, Hannover Rück, Lufthansa, Obi, Tchibo and Telekom’s excellent performance in the total top 100 or in the top 3 of their respective industries in the BEST RECRUITERS Germany 2016/17 study! Just rewards for implementing a consistent candidate experience: From the careers website and mobile job markets to applicant management and optimising internal recruiting processes.
BEST RECRUITERS examines the recruiting quality of the respective 500 top employers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland through scientifically sound and representative studies every year. By way of 133 criteria, the four pillars of recruiting are inspected:
- online recruiting presence,
- online job ads and markets,
- contact with applicants and
- feedback from applicants.
More information on the study and the study’s concept (48 pages) can be downloaded here: