
posted by Tania Teetz
What is Google for Jobs?
The Google search engine collects job advertisements in Germany and other countries from career pages and job portals, then displays them in its own job search box in its search results. Google calls these “enriched search results” (https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/job-posting). In the USA, Google for Jobs (also written as “Google4Jobs”) has been part of the search engine since 2017. Google started its test phase for “Jobs” in Germany on 15 March. Google finished fully rolling out the feature on 22 May. Job advertisements are displayed in the Google results list after the paid advertisements, but before organic search results. This means they appear with a higher placement than a company’s own job advertisements – even if these were the source for Google’s jobs list.What do job ads need to do to be featured?
To be recognised correctly by the Google search, job advertisements need to include some extra information. Google does use automated parsing, but only evaluates content if it includes the following information – in the format Google wants: as structured, “JobPosting” type data. Required information includes:- datePosted: publicationdate
- description: text job description in HTML format
- hiringOrganization: Name of the company
- jobLocation: Location
- title: Job title, the work performed (not the title of the job ad)
- validThrough: Application deadline (if available)
- applicantLocationRequirements: nonly relevant for telework, specific work location limits
- baseSalary: Base salary
- employmentType: type of position (full time, part time, etc.)
- identifier: unique designation of the hiring organisation
- jobLocationType: only relevant for telework. The value “Telecommute” must be entered here, if the work is 100 % telework.
- Other optional information, such as a contact address, requirements, work hours, benefits etc.
What does BeeSite do?
BeeSite adapts all job advertisements to the Google data exchange format. Google uses its own “scheme” for data exchange. A scheme defines the rules for the syntax and structure of XML documents. When all systems use the same scheme, data exchange is easier. In addition, BeeSite products from milch & zucker offer the following options for transmitting job advertisements to Google:- Transmission via an API. This is the most reliable method to transmit job ads to Google each day – and to remove advertisements that have expired.
- Creating a Google Sitemap. However, Google has provided no information on when and how often the Sitemap is read out. Past experience has shown that this does not actually occur.
- Waiting for crawling. Google still crawls company website job portals, meaning job advertisements eventually show up on Google.
How can I check on our ads?
Google provides a link for manually testing job advertisements at: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool
What should I do now?
A Google account and registration are required for some transmission methods. You are welcome to get in touch with your contact partner for any questions on your BeeSite.
When will Google for Jobs be in use across all of Germany?
Google for Jobs launched in Germany on 22/05/2019.
Where can I find further information on Google for Jobs?
A large amount of information on what Google for Jobs is, what it looks like and what problems it has is available from Wolfgang Brickwedde on the website of the Institute for Competitive Recruiting: https://www.competitiverecruiting.de/Google-for-Jobs-Jobsuche-Was-ist-das-Wie-geht-das.html.
posted by : Tania Teetz