
posted by Tania Teetz
Zukunft Personal starts today. milch & zucker is there too – at the Personalwirtschaft round table “New methods in recruiting” on 16/09/15 at 3pm at KölnSKY. Along with milch & zucker, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jäger, among others, will also be taking part in the discussion,representing JobStairs. A summary of the discussion will be available as part of the Personalwirtschaft special issue E-Recruiting, which will be published towards the end of October. If you would like to meet us, send us a short e-mail to vertrieb@milchundzucker.de. We will get in touch with you! Should you be interested in an copy of the special issue E-Recruiting, please contact presse@milchundzucker.de.
posted by : Tania Teetz