posted by Patricia Polednia
Up to 75% more applications with AI supported recruiting
Our service platform for recruiters, JobStairs, now offers a few more good reasons to choose the platform to market your job advertisements. Now, JobStairs members receive exclusive access to new, AI-based tools. These tools help recruiters publish job ads that generate up to 75% more applications.JobStairs – AI-powered by milch & zucker
milch & zucker created JobStairs, our own recruitment portal, in 2003. It has always been conceived as an alternative to classic models, and today has developed into a recruiter service platform offering helpful tools that make marketing job advertisements easier. While other recruitment platforms are still talking about the “What ifs” for artificial intelligence in recruiting, we are turning them into reality with our own AI department and our practical solutions. Our goal is clear: We want to improve the quality of the application process for recruiters and candidates alike. We want to support recruiters, not replace them, for instance by automating administrative tasks. That gives recruiters more time for human interaction.Better range and more applications in a flash
New AI tools from JobStairs offer strong support to recruiters in creating and publishing job advertisements. Your tool: Our AI-supported ad analysis cockpit “BetterAds”. The cockpit helps you analyse the title and main text of your job advertisements and optimise them for better range and performance. Our own scientific experiments show that advertisements revised based on BetterAds can generate up to 75% more applications. Another new AI function lets you classify completed job advertisements automatically if desired. To do so, the AI identifies relevant features like national language, entry level, and function. This not only makes it easier to place the ad, it also leads to better search results.Learn more about AI tools from JobStairs
Article in the trade magazine Human Resources ManagerBetterAds product page (only in German)
posted by : Patricia Polednia